Wednesday, September 12, 2007

EPISODE 51: Public Displays of Hygiene

New MannersCast ArtPublic Displays of Hygiene, Does Your Dog Bite, a completely unrelated dog story, Inappropriate Thank Yous. All of this is surprisingly related to taking over the world.

Relevent Links:

"Does your dog bite?" - The Pink Panther Strikes Again

West Side Story (Musical)

Lego Gun

MannersCast Films


Kitty Laverne said...

Hello--just discovered your podcast and am enjoying it. I was dismayed to read the comment on your site, though: "'Miss Manners, eat your heart out. The hosts of the MannersCast serve up common sense, humorous — and decidedly un-stuffy — etiquette advice fo

r the jeans and T-shirt crowd.'” Even a cursory reading of Judith Martin's work reveals her decidedly humorous and un-stuffy style, firmly grounded in common sense.

Please give proper dues to a true innovator and top-notch writer in the study of etiquette.

David said...

Mannercast Ep 51

What part of good manners is interrupting someone’s lunch by throwing potatos at them? After all, the little bird was already dead; why not let the blue jay eat it. Since the blue jay dropped his lunch after being smacked by a potato, he now has to go kill another little bird in order to not go hungry.


Personal grooming in pubic – I used to work for a program where one of the senior managers (from a different agency) would sit at the conference room table during production and development reviews and clip his nails, clean his nails and trim his cuticles. When finished he would brush all the debris he had scattered around the table into a little pile which he would hide under the napkin his coffee cup was sitting on. Then he would sit back in his chair and using the same tools he just used on his nails he would pick and scrape at his teeth. When the meetings broke up he would pick up his coffee cup and leave the napkin with the surprise pile under it on the table for someone else to clean up.

Once I was sitting in on a video teleconference with his agency and watched him on the screen doing the same thing from his own office. It wasn’t near as disgusting to watch because he wasn’t sitting near enough to the microphone for us to hear the clippers nor were we able to see the clippings flying around. But watching him pick his teeth was still disgusting.

Once he was clipping his nails while sitting right next to a Navy Captain who was trying to decide if it were worth while to continue to fund our research. While clipping his nails one of the pieces of nail flew off the clippers and landed in the Captain’s coffee cup. Fortunately the Captain didn’t see this and one of the other engineers in the room grabbed the Captain’s cup and told him “Let me freshen this up for you sir.” Then he dumped the entire cup in the trash and got the Captain a new one.

This manager always had plenty of room at the table as anyone who knew him would not sit within two seats of him, nor across from him. I never understood how a guy who dressed so immaculately and seemed to spend so much time on his appearance could not see how he was grossing out everyone around him.

The MannersCast said...


Please know that we have no disrespect for Miss Manners.

JC was trying to make us sound more mainstream and appealing to a younger crowd so we could get in early and start making a difference in our quest to take over the world.

Frankly, where would we be without those who began to popularize manners in the first place.


The MannersCast said...


Thanks for the story! Yet another reason why we will continue to do The MannersCast!

EVERYONE has got to hear it!

The first time I met an account rep at our office I was entering the conference room to greet him. He stood up, sniffed and wiped his nose, and then offered the same hand for me to shake!

He is a very nice guy, but I went immediately to the restroom and washed up - twice - after he left.

Tell a friend about The MannersCast!