A lot of times people will say that it is better to give than to receive. I think they are referring to the point at which you receive something that you never would have bought for yourself and possibly consider it cruel that someone bought this thing for you.
Take the poll on the website mannerscast.com, and leave your stories about how you reacted when getting something awful.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Receiving Gifts
Posted by
The MannersCast
8:53 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
SHOW NOTES: Episode 26 - Christmas #2
We were a couple of days late on this one, but this stuff still applies to next year!
In this continuation of our Christmas theme we talk about Mistletoe in the office, Carolling Manners, and "To Santa Claus or To Not Santa Claus." Topic 3 might not be appropriate for little, "believing" ears...
We're trying to be the first podcast in the Allen, Texas Public Library so EMAIL us with your praise for The MannersCast that we can pass on to the library.
You can also email us at the link above to be signed up for the not so frequent MannersCast email reminders of great information like when new episodes are released.
What we learned in Episode 26:
1) Mistletoe should not be employed in an office environment.
2) Carollers should stand back a good distance from the door when singing.
3) Those who are being carolled to should listen attentively and possibly
provide treats.
4) If you observe or do not observe Santa Claus, just keep in mind that
everyone else may not share your view on the subject. There is no
reason to get naughty about it... so respect one another's decisions
either way.
(to the tune of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
Randolph, the bow-legged cowboy,
had a very shiny gun.
And if you ever saw it,
you would drop your pants and run!
All of the other cowboys
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Randolph
join in any cowboy games.
Then, one dusty Christmas Eve,
the Sheriff came to say,
"Randolph, with your gun so bright,
won't you shoot my wife tonight?"
Then how the cowboys loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
"Randolph, the bow-legged cowboy,
you'll go down in history!"
Posted by
The MannersCast
1:34 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006
SHOW NOTES: Episode 25 - Christmas #1
The book Colin talks about:
Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini.
White Elephant Gift
The White elephant gift exchange, or Yankee Swap, is a popular party game played during the Christmas season in the United States. The objective of the game is for guests of a party to each contribute one gift to the game, and ultimately each guest walks away with one gift from the game. Along the way is a random drawing to determine the order in which players get to unwrap gifts or "steal" previously opened.
"1 Car = 1 Parking Space" T-Shirt
Graphic Designer: James Kocsis.
Posted by
The MannersCast
11:23 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
No Standing
Most of you reading this, since it is a blog about manners, probably already think about when you might be in someone's way. Good on you! I did, however, want to bring it up as something happened to me the other day when exiting a plane after a two hour flight with a 1.5 year old.
The kid wasn't the problem. He did pretty well considering, but the last thing I wanted to do was spend more time on the plane or the jetway than was necessary... I think everyone is still with me here.
The issue came when the group of adults exiting the jetway in front of us decided to have a conclave at the entrance to the tunnel. They forgot they were in public and bunched up around the door all facing away from the exiting passengers. They began to discuss who would get the rental car and who would go to the restroom (Ep. 23) and who would go wait for the luggage.
This is a call for us all to keep in mind that there are other people in the world who might want to get by at some time.
Posted by
The MannersCast
5:46 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
Episode 24 Fluff
Someone told me that there is about 10 minutes worth of dead "air" on the end of Episode 24.
I could say that I actually forgot to cut the export off at the correct time and accidentally left WAY to much of nothing on the end of the podcast, but where would the fun be in that?
Instead, the "real" reason for the blank time on the end of Episode 24 is so you guys and gals have a chance to ponder and even talk amongst yourselves (see the included graphic for one example).
And while you're at it... tell someone about The MannersCast!
Posted by
The MannersCast
12:47 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
SHOW NOTES: Episode 24
Grammar Manners and Gifting...
• Article on Grammar suggested by Grammar Girl:
alphadictionary.com article on grammar
• Manners Mom, Leah Ingram
MannersMom Website
Posted by
The MannersCast
11:37 AM
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Asking Prying Questions
When are you going to pop the question?
When are you guys going to have another baby?
When are you going to mind your own business?
The first two questions here are rampant in our society and probably many around the world. The reason I bring this up is not that I have been hearing these questions, but that I have started thinking about asking them of my friends!
What is happening to me!!! It's very obviously none of my business or any other mom or dad or friend or little old lady who may or may not actually know the person who is on the business end of these questions.
That is simply information to be shared when the person with the information is good and ready. It is not information meant to be dragged out of people.
I have been dropping into the mindset of the slow-witted by even just thinking about this kind of thing and have had to actually dust off my creative thinking skills to come up with other more engaging and fulfilling questions. But when one gets those questions all the time, it is difficult to break the cycle.
Consider that someone you haven't seen for a while has been cheated on and couldn't think of "popping the question" or even dating for quite some time. If you bring it up, they could be hurt and decide not to share anything with you.
Or what if your friend from High School had several miscarriages or fertility problems and is devastated to even think about the emotional pain that has come along with trying to have a baby.
Questions that can seem so genuine and trite can actually cause a lot of damage. So my suggestion is to hold your tongue a little until you reach a level of friendship with someone where they are willing to begin to share information like that with you.
Put your thinking cap on and take off your rose colored glasses. Get to know someone by putting them first and not what you think they should be doing with their life.
Whew! That was long and very serious! We'll see how this goes over.
Posted by
The MannersCast
11:47 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Episode 23 Notes: Proper Hand Washing
I figured it might be helpful to include this information from the show. Derek did the research, and if I think it's overly important, I'll put the reference to where the info came from. Until then, I think it was the CDC.
Anyone care about taking this stuff to heart?
Proper hand-washing
1. Use warm or hot water when possible. Cold water is not as effective for killing
bacteria on your hands.
2. Wet your hands and wrists completely under the running water.
3. Apply a small dab of liquid soap. If you use bar soap, you rinse it off before you
use it.
4. Work up a good lather and wash all of the surfaces of your skin, including the
wrist, palms, backs of your hands, fingers, and fingernails.
Wash your hands for at least 15 to 20 seconds.
5. Rinse your hands thoroughly.
6. Dry your hands. Use your paper towel to turn off the water after you have
If soap and water are not available, use gel hand sanitizers or alcohol-based hand wipes. Most supermarkets and drugstores carry these products. Carry one or both with you when you travel, and keep them in your car or purse.
If using the gel sanitizer, rub your hands until the gel is dry. You don't need to use water; the alcohol in the gel kills the germs on your hands.
Posted by
The MannersCast
4:35 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
UPDATE: Telemarketers
We talked about telemarketers recently and had a great poll going on the site with a lot of feedback. Thanks to everyone who voted!
I also have been getting a lot of automated calls with a pre-recorded voice. Those are even more frustrating as they have no human element and are only just a distraction.
On a whim last week I decided to press the ZERO button on the phone to see if I could get an operator and ask to be taken off the list. Suprisingy, 2 times out of 5 it has worked. Once I got a real person who was very kind and took me off the list. And just now I got another automated voice that said I could press "2" to be removed from the call list.
Just a tip to help you with your day!
Posted by
The MannersCast
8:32 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
MannersCast Films in the RSS Feed
Steven of The Rules Podcast suggest that I put The MannersCast Films in the iTunes feed... so I did.
PEOPLE is in the feed now, but make sure to send your friends to http://www.mannerscast.com so they can see the films and pass them along to their friends.
Thanks, Steven!
Posted by
The MannersCast
8:52 PM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Yes, Sir, Mom!
The very poignant words of a 2 and a half year old still ring clear. It's not that she mistook her mom for her dad. It's that she was concerned enough to say the respectful thing to her mom even if she got it wrong.
The current Poll on The MannersCast site is to see how much of an issue it is for our listeners as to whether or not kids are taught to say "Yes, Ma'am," "No, Ma'am," "Yes, Sir," and "No, Sir."
Weight in and we'll talk about this on a future podcast. You can also leave comments here on the blog that we can bring to the table and share with the world!
Posted by
The MannersCast
3:31 PM
Monday, October 30, 2006
Episode 19: Slowpokes and Cancellations
addendum to the podcast:
I spend a lot of time on The MannersCast talking about how people have slighted me with their lack of manners. This time I am the culprit.
I am notorious for putting one person over another when it comes to keeping or bowing out of an event. At times, I will ditch my wife and kid in order to make a meeting that could wait or has enough people to sustain it. I have also been known to favor The Fam in order to build up some brownie points at home.
I have to confess that I am not very good at determining which situation requires which action. Apologies to all who have been slighted.
Posted by
The MannersCast
3:12 PM
Doggie Business
In an earlier post I mentioned the neighbor who, in a fit of stupidity, let his dog poop in my yard. The other side of that is the very nice man I met the other morning.
He was walking his dogs and actually picking up the mess with his plastic bag!
Kudos to all pet owners who make an effort!
Posted by
The MannersCast
3:07 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
Special Halloween Episode - T-Shirt Contest
It's time for Halloween and any good program has a Halloween Special, so loaded up on candy and punch, put on our favorite plastic masks, and recorded a very terrifying episode of The MannersCast.
Be sure to see the enhanced version for all of the costumes that our little mp3 player dressed in for the show.
Also, be sure to visit http://www.mannerscast.com and cast your vote for The MannersCast T-Shirt Contest. The winner will receive a free T-Shirt featuring his or her design.
Thanks to all who entered!
Posted by
The MannersCast
12:04 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I felt it was about time to mention a few of the things that are lightly entertaining and mostly annoying about Halloween and the Tricking or Treating.
1) Tiny Tots T or T before we're done with dinner.
"Hey, Little Timmy! Would you like some pizza in your bag?
2) Kids who "phone in" their costumes.
A black concert t-shirt turned inside out does not a costume make!
3) Repeaters
Under no circumstances should I hand out candy to the same kid more than once unless that kid has seriously altered his or her costume.
4) Not actually saying "Trick or Treat."
How hard is it to utter the three simple words that make Halloween so much fun? Do you really think I'm going to just hand over the candy if you blankly stick out your pillow case and stare at the ground?
I hope everyone is able to avoid these simple mis-steps this Halloween and have a wonderfully spooky time!
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:11 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
MannersCast Films has Debut
YouTube got a little classier today with the addition of the first MannersCast film.
We plan to follow "People" with another short shortly. Stay tuned and share with your friends!
Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5W2Aq1i-5I
Posted by
The MannersCast
10:34 AM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Episode 18-Who Gets the Check?
We had a good time talking about the gray area that surrounds the check when going out with friends or family.
I think it's best to avoid a knock-down, drag-out fight when deciding who gets to pick up the tab for the "Fam".
It's equally important to not sheepishly sit on your hands and hope that someone else gets the bill. YOW! The truth hurts!
Don't forget to send in your slogans for the t-shirt contest! All entries need to be in by Oct 23rd.
Posted by
The MannersCast
12:54 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Poll: Telemarketers
Who likes getting the call? How should you treat the poor soul on the other end of the line?
Head over to www.mannerscast.com to cast your vote and be heard... or at least read.
We'll use your votes and blog comments on the podcast, so go nuts!
Posted by
The MannersCast
7:44 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Episode 17 is LIVE!
Who are you? Episode 17 covers introductions and not remembering people's names. Also, we discuss telephone manners from call waiting and speakerphone to talking on the phone in the toilet.
Don't forget to enter in the T-Shirt Contest! Send your entries to The MannersCast.
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:33 PM
There is a T-Shirt contest afoot. You need only to email us a slogan or shirt idea and include "t-shirt" in the subject line of your email to be entered into the contest.
Send in your entries to mannerscast@gmail.com. The winner will receive their winning slogan or design on a shirt from cafepress.com/mannerscast.
Get your entries in today!
Check the Poll toward the end of the contest to cast your vote for the winning "T".
Contest ends Oct 23. Winner will be announced on Episode 20.
Posted by
The MannersCast
1:44 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
When Manners Don't Work... Go Crazy!
I thought this would be a nice change of pace if you seem to think that manners are not affecting the best responses from people around you or no one seems to notice how nice you are being.
Pretend to go a little off your quid and see if they start to take notice! It works for Blair (pictured at right).
A great explanation of how to do this is under the heading How to Act Crazy at wikihow.com.
It's, at the very least, a fun read.
Posted by
The MannersCast
12:56 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Attack of the Fire Lane Police
I have made myself the fire lane police at my son's daycare (see Episode 9) and have been putting out school sponsored cones for a few months now.
It seems that most folks either get to the school before the cones are out and have never seen them, OR they think they have gotten away with something when they get there and I haven't had time to put the cones out yet.
Well, we printed up some slips of paper alerting the miscrents to their improper behavior, and I placed about eight of them on various car windshields last week. Surprisingly, as of Thursday or so there have been no more infractions.
That stinks, too, as I have a whole stack of those things to give away.
COPY (approximate):
You have parked in a fire lane. It is illegal and unsafe for your kids. If you need additional parking, please use the parking lot at Dickey's across the street.
Sweet Justice!
Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com.
Posted by
The MannersCast
12:14 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
New Podcast Art
We can thank James Kocsis again for the updated Album Art in the iTunes music store.
All together: "THANKS, JAMES!"
Posted by
The MannersCast
1:19 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Listener Artwork on the Website
Everyone needs to stop what they are doing and go look at the Artwork created by listener James Kocsis (as in psychosis) from California.
James is a graphic deisgner and all-around stand up human being. The design is topped by the iPod who is HOLDING THAT DOOR OPEN.
A big THANKS to James! If anyone is interested in taking advantage of his art skills, contact him at www.jameskocsis.com
Posted by
The MannersCast
8:03 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Website Update
Head over to http://www.mannerscast.com and check out our updated site.
I spent some time making things a little more useful, and you can get a peek at Chris and Colin's mugs.
NOTE: The MP3s are a little more accessible now (see the left hand column on the web page).
Thanks for listening!
Posted by
The MannersCast
5:57 AM
Episode 14 (Where's #13?) of The MannersCast
Top O' the Mornin'
Episode 13 dropped under the radar this month and now it's time for Episode 14.
Go Team! With college football season in full swing here in America, we take a look at being a fan in the "Stands" and at the game watching party, and Steven and Rhylla from The Rules pose a question to The MannersCast listeners.
Posted by
The MannersCast
5:51 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
MannersCast Merchandise
Go check out http://www.cafepress.com/mannerscast to see some silly designs for shirts, mugs, and the official MannersCast Restroom Towel (pictured at right).
Posted by
The MannersCast
6:58 PM
MannersCast Episode 10 has been Posted

LitterBugs! Chris joins Colin and me for a discussion of littering in public, in the restroom, and in Colin's car.
As always... we are "enhanced" with Chapters and Web Links in the Podcast.
We love to get emails!
Posted by
The MannersCast
6:54 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Naughty Neighbors
I notice that my across-the-street neighbor had one of the family cars parked in front of our house this week. I guess I'm okay with the parking unless it's all the time, but that is not the point.
This is not a nice car so it looks bad, but when it pulled away from the curb, I noticed that there was a 3 foot diameter oil stain in front of my house.
We've been in that house for over 7 years now and that is the first stain of any kind in front of our house. I know it's just a street and it's going to get dirty but I don't want it to be at my expense.
I'm wondering if I should bring it to the neighbor's attention with the cover that I'm worried about the car having a leak.
We'll see...
Posted by
The MannersCast
2:25 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Staking a Claim
Just trying to claim my Odeo feed here!
My Odeo Channel (odeo/b8422eb1173c4ff6)
Posted by
The MannersCast
2:19 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Episode 9 is Live!
Episode 9... or as we like to call it... Episode 8b is up and running.
This is the second half of the parking lot discussion including fire lanes, parking on the lines, and obeying parking lot traffic signs.
There is also a new logo!
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:00 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Fans and Shows

It's crazy I know, but we have gotten several new listeners (they emailed in) from across the country. Bizbee, AZ and L.A. are representin' strong!
We have been vacationing and letting things get in the way recently but we are recording tomorrow about Parking Lot manners so it should be a good romp through our collective frustrations. Episode 8 should be out by this weekend and Episode 9 should follow shortly.
Posted by
The MannersCast
12:07 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The Scoop on Poop
If it's your yard, well... okay. Even if it's in my neighborhood I'll allow you to let your dog go poopies in your own yard. But not in my yard. When my yard is introduced to the business end of your dog, and you do not clean it up; you are in contempt.
Email us at the MannersCast.
Posted by
The MannersCast
7:11 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Our Little Podcast is Growing Up...
Episodes 2 and 3 are now online. Episode 2 deals with opening doors for others, and Episode 3 is all about the Office environment.
Head over to the Manners Cast website to get the mp3s or subscribe in iTunes.
Posted by
The MannersCast
10:55 PM
Caught in a Cinema Gravity Field
Why was it on Friday that all twelve people who entered the showing of Mission Impossible 3 after us all sat within 4 seats of us?
There are something like 350 seats in the theater. We sat a good 7 rows from the nearest people and over to one side. But mere minutes before the movie started everyone decided to come into the theater and sit RIGHT next to us.
Had there been only a few seats available, fine... sit next to me; but when the place is empty, please pick a spot that is out of ear shot especially if you are bringing in a pickle or popcorn.
In fact, just don't bring in a pickle. It stinks. No one wants to smell it.
Concerned for your safety,
email Trent
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:57 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Believe the Hype!
Well, the second podcast is up on iTunes, and I noticed something this last weekend. Since starting the Mannerscast, I have become hyper-sensitive to how others are acting but especially to my own manners.
I realized that I was over thinking my every word and reaction to anything that was happening around me with something like a spider-sense. It was a little creepy at first, and then I realized that is the only way I will be able to better myself. If I look at the world with such intensity for a time, it will eventually become second nature.
I hope it does.
Posted by
The MannersCast
6:43 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
A Defining Moment
I got this from http://www.wikipedia.org. I thought it does a neat job of summing things up.
"The body of behaviors we call "manners" are evolution's solution to easing the stresses of communal living. In essence, mannerly behavior recognizes the right of another to share the communal space. Many of our daily expressions of politeness reflect this function. Saying "excuse me," for example, shows that you recognize that you have invaded another's space, and regret the necessity of doing so. It is a basic tenet in law that it is wrongful to cause damages to another (see norm). Since there cannot be a law for every slight, daily causing of damage to another, manners serve to at least acknowledge, if not make recompense, for the damage."
Look Up "Manners" in the Wikipedia.
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:54 AM
Friday, April 28, 2006
The First Episode is Live!!!
Blair, Derek and I talk about Queue and Gas Station Etiquette, and then talk about how to treat people on an Elevator so you don't get everyone down (yuk. yuk.).
Hold the door? Don't hold the door? Who gets off first? Do I care?
So many questions... so little time.
Send us your feedback and questions, and look for episode 2 in the very near future.
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:31 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Be "Ice" to Your Neighbor
I'm wondering who is it that doesn't have time in their day to fill up an ice tray after they take cubes out. Is it selfishness or just a momentary lapse of reason?
I have to get back to solitaire and couldn't possibly take the 20 sec. to refill this ice tray. Plus, although I am not above taking ice from the commoners' tray, I certainly am far above doing such a common job as putting water in twelve small holes.
I am glad that someone finally invented automatic ice makers, but a skill like refilling the ice tray should be taught to everyone who has opposeable thumbs and the aptitude for turning on a faucet. It's kind of like buying more milk when the milk runs out. While that takes WAY longer to do, I'm still thinking it's the sentiment that counts. Putting others before you or at the very least even with you.
Posted by
The MannersCast
4:04 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Move Along...
There is a time when one is walking throught the Wal-Mart parking lot that one needs to realize there are others who might be interested in driving in the parking lot. That realization could speed up the process of people getting in and out of the parking lot and everyone would be happier.
Walking in the middle of the driving lane, especially with small children, is not the only selfish thing to practice in any parking lot... but it could be in the top three.
1) Sitting in your car and not backing out so someone can have your space.
2) Waiting for a space close to the front while blocking a long line of cars whose drivers don't really mind the walk. (Really. Is the parking lot that big? Do you not know that you don't actually have to carry your groceries to the car? Isn't that what we invented the wheel and the cart for?)
3) Walking in the middle of the driving lane. (Yep! There it is! Number 3!)
Posted by
The MannersCast
9:45 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Only Manners Podcast is Coming!
Well, this has been a few months in the making, but the Manners Eti-Cast (a play on Etiquette) is nearing its first podcast.
The Manners Eti-Cast is going to be a place where we take a lighthearted look at the current state of people's manners and what you can do to improve your own. We are not here to talk about where the salad spoon goes and which fork to use first... only to try and get back to the roots of what manners are for in the first place. In my own opinion, manners are not simply how you act in public, but the basis for your view of the world.
Manners are, at their root, a way of showing someone else that they are more important than you... making that person feel good about his or her self. That, in turn, builds your own self esteem and everyone benefits.
I'm Trent, and I'll be joined by Blair and Derek for at least the first Manners Eti-Cast. You can be expecting the podcast in a week or so so just check itunes, etc. and search "manners".
That's all for now!
Posted by
The MannersCast
1:52 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
Smile for Pete's Sake!
Get a picture in your mind of the days of the frontier and toting your worldly belongings through uncharted American territory. Do you think that if two people came within 10 feet of each other they wouldn't even acknowledge one another? Don't you think they would stop and chat and even have a big party around a camp fire because neither of them had seen a living soul for the last 25 days?
It seems that we are always too busy to stop and chat with someone on the street or in the hallway at work, but could we at least offer a friendly smile? A "howdy-doo"? Walking right by someone without acknowledging them is bad for them and you. It might make them feel like they don't mean quite as much to the world as they thought they did, and it might make you think you are more important than them for narrowly avoiding the eye contact and rushing past.
"Whew," you might think. "Good thing I didn't get stuck talking to that guy." Okay, so don't stop and chat if you're that busy, but at the very least offer up a genuine smile that can help someone else's day go a little better.
Posted by
The MannersCast
10:34 AM